Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Sustainability Announcements

10 March 2009

"The American way of life is not negotiable" - George H.W. Bush, Rio Earth Summit, June 1992 
"Our life style is not negotiable, and we will do whatever we have to do to maintain it, PERIOD" - Dick Cheney 
“We will not apologize for our way of life nor will we waver in its defense” - Barack Obama, inaugural speech, 20 January 2009

The American Dream continues to be a dream, in which cheap abundant energy miraculously lasts forever.  And even if it won't, arrogance dictates that Americans are the chosen ones to claim what remains.  Two disturbingly forthright but credible articles came our way, and we thought needed prominence for our readers.  

"The Great Disruption" - by Thomas Friedmen of the New York Times.  link to full article - The Great Disruption  
"What if the crisis of 2008 represents something much more fundamental than a deep recession? What if it’s telling us that the whole growth model we created over the last 50 years is simply unsustainable economically and ecologically and that 2008 was when we hit the wall — when Mother Nature and the market both said: “No more.”

“We created a way of raising a standard-of-living that we can’t possibly pass on to our children” said Joe Romm, a physicist and climate expert who writes the indispensable blogclimateprogress.org.  We have been getting rich by depleting all our natural stocks — water, hydrocarbons, forests, rivers, fish and arable land — and not by generating renewable flows.

“Just as a few lonely economists warned us we were living beyond our financial means, scientists are warning us that we’re living beyond our ecological means.  But as environmentalists have pointed out “Mother Nature doesn’t do bailouts”.  One of those who has been warning of this for a long time is Paul Gilding, the Australian environmental business expert.  He has a name for this moment — when both Mother Nature and Father Greed have hit the wall at once — “The Great Disruption.”

"The Stimulus Package Cannot Revive Happy Consumerism" - by James Howard Kunstler.  link to full article - Stimulus Package Cannot Revive Happy Consumerism  
"While America looks the same as it did a few years ago, seemingly overnight we have become another country.  All the old mechanisms that enabled our way of life are broken, especially endless revolving credit.  Peak energy has combined with the diminishing returns of over-investments in complexity to pull the "kill switch" on our vaunted "way of life" -- the set of arrangements that we won't apologize for or negotiate.  So, the big question before the nation is: do we try to re-start the whole smoking, creaking hopeless, futureless machine? Or do we start behaving differently?

"The attempted re-start of revolving debt consumerism is an exercise in futility.  We can't ramp back up the blue light special shopping fiesta.  We can't return to the heyday of Happy Motoring, no matter how many bridges we fix or how many additional ring highways we build around our already-overblown and over-sprawled metroplexes.  Mostly, we can't return to the now-complete "growth" cycle of "economic expansion".  We're done with all that. History is done with our doing that.

"For instance, the myth that we can become energy independent and yet remain car-dependent is absurd.  The great wish for "alternative" liquid fuels will never be anything more than a wish at the scales required.  The attempt to restart "consumerism" will be equally disappointing.  For a while, a lot of stuff will circulate through the yard sales and Craigslist, and some resourceful people will get busy fixing broken stuff that still has value.  But the other infrastructure of shopping is toast, especially the malls, the strip malls, the real estate investment trusts that own it all, many of the banks that lent money to the REITs.  They say that the banks have stopped calling in their loans on the commercial real estate, even though the owners of the malls and strip malls have arrived firmly in default.  Calling in the loans would only pin another horrifying liability on the banks' balance sheets.  So all parties join in a game of "pretend," that nothing has really happened to the fundamental equations of business life.

"If this nation wants to survive without an intense political convulsion, there's a lot we can do.  We have to abandon petro-agriculture and grow our food locally, at a smaller scale, with more people working on it and fewer machines.  This is an enormous project, which implies change in everything from property allocation to farming methods to new social relations.  But if we don't focus on it right away, a lot of Americans will end up starving, and rather soon.  We have to rebuild the railroad system in the US, and electrify it.  If we don't get started on this right away, we're screwed.

As Richard Heinberg has pointed out, "We can reform our agricultural system, and our transportation system, and ultimately we're going to have to. The question is, will we do it in a proactive way, a systematic way, or will we simply wait until all hell breaks loose?”  Richard Heinberg   

Mon-Thr, 9-12 March 2009, 6:00pm or 7:00pm depending on night
University of Missouri Kansas City

Diversity in Today's American Dream
Monday, 9 March 2009, 6:00pm
University Center Alumni Room, 5000 Holmes St, Kansas City MO
Local activists and UMKC professors discuss the future and solutions for minorities and the disadvantaged.
Conflicts & Solutions in Community Progress
Tuesday, 10 March 2009, 6:00pm
University Center Room 106, 5000 Holmes St, Kansas City MO
Community leaders, professors, and journalists discuss community issues and progress.
Our Environmental Destiny ¤ ROBERT F. KENNEDY Jr.
Wednesday, 11 March 2009, 7:00pm
UMKC Royall Hall Stack Auditorium, 800 E. 52nd St, Kansas City MO
Kennedy serves as chief attorney for the Natural Resources Defense Council and is president of Waterkeeper Alliance.
Some Leaders are Born Women ¤ SARAH WEDDINGTON
Thursday, 12 March 2009, 7:00pm
University Center Room 106, 5000 Holmes St, Kansas City MO
At age 26, Sarah Weddington, along with Linda Coffee, successfully argued the case  Roe v. Wade  before the U.S. Supreme Court, the youngest attorney to win a Supreme Court case.

NOTE: The 1969 symposium at the height of the Vietnam War was titled  The Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Symposium on Dissent

Wednesday, 11 March 2009, 5:30pm
Recycling and Resource Recovery Annex, 320 N.E. Industrial Lane, Lawrence KS

The March agenda will cover: Earth Day activities; Chamber of Commerce "Grow Green" program; reports on the Waste Reduction & Recycling Division, the Climate Task Force, and the Peak Oil Task Force; and a presentation by architect, Steve Padget.

The S.A.B. meets monthly to discuss any and all aspects of furthering sustainability policies and practices by the City of Lawrence government and private persons. The public is welcome. Minutes are finalized in about a month after each meeting http://www.lawrencerecycles.org/envadvisoryboard.shtml

Saturday, 14 March 2009, 10:00am
4223 Gibbs Road, Kansas City KS  (KC Urban Agriculture Center)

Among things on the agenda will be discussion of the upcoming Kansas City Urban Farms and Gardens Tour on 28 June, and plans for a Natural Building Workshop hands-on training.  For more information, contact Becki Weber at  or Daniel Dermitzel at  

Sunday, 15 March 2009, 4:00pm
Plymouth Church Mayflower Room, 925 Vermont St, Lawrence KS
¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ Jeff Morrow will speak on Energy Tax Credits ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤

This month's speaker will be Jeff Morrow, joined by experts in solar and wind energy and real estate to explore an implementation protocol for the Federal Energy Tax Credits.  Jeff has constructed passive solar projects, is working to remove regulatory barriers for neighborhood electric vehicles (NEV's), and has researched tax credits through his accounting background.  This website lists the new tax credits  Federal Energy Tax Credits  

The March SAN meeting agenda will include:  Permaculture events, SAN website, not-for-profit filing, Kansas and Federal energy policy, and what we hope will be an informative tax credit discussion.  Please join us.

Lawrence Homebuilders Association Forum
Wednesday, 18 March 2009, 8:00-9:30pm

City Commission Meeting Room, 6th & Massachusetts St.  Q
uestions can be sent to Bobbie Flory at the Lawrence Homebuilders Association bobbie@lhba.net  Selected questions will allow candidates to present their views on a variety of topics.

Ask your State Representative for a Clean Vote on Clean Energy
Thursday, 19 March 2009, 12:00noon-2:30pm
Kansas State Capitol, 10th & Harrison Streets

On 27 February 2009, the Kansas House passed HB2014 by a vote of 79-44 (with 2 members absent).  With 23 paid coal lobbyists pressuring the Legislature, there was no question it would pass.  There also is no question the Governor will veto it.  And there is no question that the bills thinly veiled purpose is to force KDHE to permit coal plants in Kansas.  But thanks to the efforts of 
dedicated citizenry, the coal proponents failed to get the 84 votes needed to override the Governor's veto.  So if Kansas is to assure a clean energy future, now is the time to ask the Legislature to stand firm and vote to sustain that veto

12:00noon - Clean Energy Rally on the south-west corner of the Capitol.  There will be buses available to shuttle participants to the rally site from the "Topeka Ice Parking Lot" on the S.E. corner of 7th & Madison Streets (just off of I-70).  Get there early.
1:00pm - Meet with your Legislator.  Please know who your State Representative is by visiting this site: FIND YOUR REPRESENTATIVE HERE!   
2:00-2:30pm - buses available back to parking lot.  
For more information go to http://www.kansascleanenergy.com/?q=node/2   

a 30 second advertorial on YouTube
Clean Coal "Air Freshener" by the Coen Brothers
by the Academy Award winning filmmakers, Joel and Ethan Coen - Blood Simple, Raising Arizona, The Big Lebowski, Oh Brother Where Art Thou?  Joel and Ethan Coen  

Thursday, 26 March 2009, 4:00pm
City Manager's Conference Room, City Hall 4th Floor, 6th & Massachusetts St.

Scheduling mix-ups prevented holding a February meeting.  The Task Force will pick up where they left off in January with a review of information and projections about Peak Oil.  They may begin the selection of committees to focus on key areas such as: food security, transportation, scarce energy land planning, medical services, emergency planning, etc.  These meetings are open to the public, and the public is encouraged to attend.

Saturday, 28 March 2009, 10:00am-4:30pm
The Light Center, 1542 Woodson Road, Douglas County KS
(just south of US56, 8 miles west of Baldwin City KS)

The workshop will be by Steve Moring of the Kaw Permaculture Collaborative as anintroduction to the principles of ecologically sustainable agriculture for our future food security during times of energy depletion.  The workshop will focus on steps to implement Permaculture practice for The Light Center’s planned eco-village.  The Light Center is a 501(C)(3) not-for-profit retreat center and intentional community on 34 acres of woods and prairie.  A $30 tax-deductible donation is requested.
Info on the Light Center at The Light Center   Info on the Kaw Permaculture Collaborative at Kaw Permaculture Collaborative   

Voter Education Coalition Forum
Monday, 30 March 2009, 7:00-9:00pm

Lawrence High School, 1901 Louisiana St.  The Voter Education Coalition consists of 15 partners, including the Lawrence Chamber of Commerce and the Lawrence Homebuilders Association.  
Questions can be sent to Bobbie Flory at the Lawrence Homebuilders Association bobbie@lhba.net  Selected questions will allow candidates to present their views on a variety of topics.

Tuesday, 31 March 2009, 6:30pm
Lawrence City Hall, 6th & Massachusetts St.

At their 24 February meeting, the Climate Protection Task Force finalized the Draft Report.  This represents a year of intensive work by many dedicated citizens.  To download a PDF, go to this link and click on "Draft Report" CPTF 24 Feb 09 Meeting   The presentation will be made to the City Commission on 31 March.

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Three of the five positions are being voted on.
The candidates are, alphabetically: Mike Amyx, Price Banks, James Bush, Dennis Constance, Aron Cromwell, Lance Johnson, Tom Johnson, Gwen Klingenberg

Monday, 13 April 2009, 7:00pm
Lawrence Public Library, Gallery Room, 7th & Vermont St.

Monthly coordinated reading and discussion of noteworthy books on ecology, sponsored by theLawrence Community Environmental School.  Meetings are always on the second Monday of the month.  The April book will be Big Coal by Jeff Goodell.  Goodell debunks the faulty assumptions underlying coal's revival and shatters the myth of cheap, clean coal energy.  Jeff Goodell interview on Big Coal   

Upcoming books will be:
May 11:  The Sacred Balance by David Suzuki, Amanda McConnell, and Adrienne Mason
June 8:  Hot, Flat and Crowded by Thomas L. Friedman
July 13: Coming Home to Eat by Gary Nabham 
More info at Lawrence Ecoliteracy Book Club  

The SUSTAINABILITY ACTION NETWORK, Inc. is a Kansas not-for-profit organization
Our mission is to advocate and organize societal scale action to address sustainability issues.  The triple crises of Energy-Ecology-Economy, the global "3E Trifecta", are building so rapidly that large scale action is needed immediately and methodically to overcome institutional barriers and advance public policy that preserves ecological sustainability.  Our focus is to build a relocalized economy-ecology in concert with the Transition Town movement in many other communities.  To join the Sustainability Action Network (until our website is operational) please contact us at  

Our current projects include:
1) Peak Oil Action - initiating municipal level Peak Oil resolutions and response planning.
2) Permaculture Collaborative - developing skills and resources for sustainable food production.
3) Land Consortium - organizing interested stakeholders to acquire prime farmland in the urban fringe for land-based economic development and regional food security.
4) Water Rights and Watersheds - protecting the water commons, the source of all life, from privatization and contamination, and restoring our watersheds.
5) SAN Sustainability Announcements - informing and encouraging others to become active in our Sustainability Action Network, or other such action driven groups.
6) Collaboration with sister organizations - such as: Citizens for Responsible Planning; Films for Action; Kansas River Valley Growers fighting for local water rights; Lawrence Future Food advocating farm-based economic development in Lawrence; national efforts by the Sustainable Energy Network; KC Metro groups like the Kansas City Food Circle and the All Species Project, etc.

We welcome suggestions for items to be included.  Please send items to 

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